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May 08, 2021


"Today's Christians, by identification with their forebears, must acknowledge these inconsistencies in regard to a twisted view of race. We can use no lesser word than sin to describe those instances where the practice was (or is) so far from what the Bible directs. The most effective acknowledgment is for Christians to strive in the present to follow the Bible at these points. "

~Dr. Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live? Editor's Note: In context, Schaeffer advocates a specifically Biblical stance against racism (like that of Wilberforce), which elevates the dignity of mankind as made in the image of God. He thoroughly would reject the Marxist solutions being advocated today.

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May 08, 2021


"...the decisive change in England in 1688 was bloodless--so much so that among historians it is called the 'Bloodless Revolution.' At that time William III of Orange and Mary became monarchs, and it was made clear that Parliament was not a junior partner but an equal partner with the crown. This arrangement brought about the deliberate control of the monarchy within specific legal bounds. The French philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778), often called 'father of the Enlightenment,' was greatly influenced by the results of this bloodless revolution in England during his time of exile there (1726–1729)...If these men had a religion, it was deism...The men of the French Enlightenment had no base but their own finiteness. They looked across the Channel to a Reformation England, tried to build without the Christian base, and ended with a massacre and Napoleon as authoritarian ruler."

~Dr. Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?

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